We now offer high-quality Italian Speroni presetting devices with related accessories. Speroni presetting devices allow for the measuring of tools of up to X=1200mm and Z=1200mm in size. We also offer various accessories to the devices that make their use easier such as a spindle brake and printer.
Speroni can be equipped with the following subject to an order:
• Pneumatic spindle brake
• Episcopy – adjustable front light
• Printer
Symmetric and captivating design for maximum ergonomics; made of aged cast iron and equipped with a 5 guideway system, Heidenhain® glass scales and SPERONI high precision 50 taper rotating spindle with integrated calibration edge.
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Speroni compact presetting device, a table model.
• X axis: 400mm (-50/+350mm)
• Z axis 400/500/600mm
• Taper: ISO 50
• Software: PC based
• Precision: +/- 2µ
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As an option the STP FUTURA AutoShrink is Speroni’s 4th generation fully integrated Shrink Fit and presetting system.
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Sveitsiläisen Blaser Swissluben lastuamisnesteet ja -öljy Edufixiltä. Blaserin laajasta ja korkealuokkaisesta valikoimasta lastuamisnesteitä ja -öljyjä löytyy vaihtoehto lähes kaikille työstömenetelmille ja materiaaleille.
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050 3777 628
Jukka Honkanen
0400 420 648