+358 400 420 648 Leikosaarentie 27 B 51, Helsinki

Speroni presetting devices

We now offer high-quality Italian Speroni presetting devices with related accessories. Speroni presetting devices allow for the measuring of tools of up to X=1200mm and Z=1200mm in size. We also offer various accessories to the devices that make their use easier such as a spindle brake and printer.

Speroni can be equipped with the following subject to an order:

• Pneumatic spindle brake
• Episcopy – adjustable front light
• Printer


Presetting tools - Speron STP ESSENTIA

Symmetric and captivating design for maximum ergonomics; made of aged cast iron and equipped with a 5 guideway system, Heidenhain® glass scales and SPERONI high precision 50 taper rotating spindle with integrated calibration edge.

» Download brochure .pdf (3 Mb)

Speroni STP Magis

Speroni STO Magis

Speroni compact presetting device, a table model.
• X axis: 400mm (-50/+350mm)
• Z axis 400/500/600mm
• Taper: ISO 50
• Software: PC based
• Precision: +/- 2µ

» Download brochure .pdf (5.5Mb)



Speroni STP Futura

Speroni STP Futura

As an option the STP FUTURA AutoShrink is Speroni’s 4th generation fully integrated Shrink Fit and presetting system.

Download brochure.pdf (5.5Mb)

Meiltä myös laadukkaat lastuamisnesteet työstön optimointiin

Sveitsiläisen Blaser Swissluben lastuamisnesteet ja -öljy Edufixiltä. Blaserin laajasta ja korkealuokkaisesta valikoimasta lastuamisnesteitä ja -öljyjä löytyy vaihtoehto lähes kaikille työstömenetelmille ja materiaaleille.

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Panu Ranta 050 3777 628
Jukka Honkanen 0400 420 648

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